
Its funny how dramatically life can change in the space of one breath. If you had asked me 5 years ago what i thought my life would look like today, i wouldn't have thought that it would resemble what it is now. If i look back, i can see hints and signs of what the future held. At the time, i chose to ignore anything that was scary or incomprehensible to my universe regardless of what impact it would create later on. Not unlike driving by a guy holding a sign saying 'the end is near'. As the world is ending a lot of people will have a clear memory of that guy and think 'why didn't i listen?'.

I have, thus far, survived the loss of both my parents to disease, either of the body or the mind. I had the best parents ever. They made me what i am today and though some may argue, myself included, that what i am is not perfect and unacceptable at times, i have to believe that this is the way things were supposed to go. This is the person i am with all the baggage that goes along with being me. I carry it with pride and sometimes with the a little help from my friends and sister. Though i have made huge mistakes in the past and likely will make many more, i have hope that someday my sister and i will figure out what all this loss is for. We are a tiny ragged army that has fought many hard won battles but we are both still here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.